CQUIN: Commissioning for Quality and Innovation in NHS Commissioning
CQUIN stands for ‘Commissioning for Quality and Innovation’ in NHS commissioning. The CQUIN payment framework enables commissioners to reward excellence, by linking a proportion of English healthcare providers’ income to the achievement of local quality improvement goals.
Since the first year of the CQUIN framework (2009/10), many CQUIN schemes have been developed and agreed. See more here.
In partnership with people affected by mental illness and other expert partners, NHS England and Rethink have developed resources to aid the implementation of a commissioning CQUIN.
This toolkit is full of practical resources and physical health information sheets for health professionals and people using mental health services. Contents include:
- The Integrated Physical Health Pathway, endorsed by the Royal Colleges of Psychiatrists, Nursing and GPs, which supports primary and secondary care services to work together to monitor and address the physical health needs of people affected by mental illness.
- CQUIN ward poster, a practical resource for inpatient mental health services which outlines the physical health tests that need to be done, and the action that needs to follow.
- A self-assessment of readiness for implementation tool (SARIT) for service providers introducing the CQUIN, with recommendations for staff across the organisation.
- Our Physical Health Check tool, which provides a structured way to of discussing and assessing physical health concerns.
You can access this free toolkit here.
Please do share this email with other colleagues implementing the CQUIN and anyone else you think would benefit.
Contributed to the Mental Health Crisis Concordat ‘Get Inspired’ pages (August 2014) by Dr Asanga Fernando MRCPsych, Clinical Leadership Fellow to Dr Geraldine Strathdee, National Clinical Director for Mental Health, NHS England. ST6 General Adult and Liaison Psychiatry SpR & Honorary Senior Simulation Fellow.