Healthy London Partnership: Request for feedback on London s136 pathway and HBPoS specification

Healthy London Partnership has been established by all of London’s CCGs and NHS England (London region) to deliver transformational changes to London’s health and social care system. One area of focus is looking at what could happen at a pan-London level to improve mental health crisis care across London.

Late last year, extensive engagement with partners across London’s crisis care system, including Acute and MH Trusts, the Police, London Ambulance Service (LAS), social care, etc., identified a number of issues surrounding the use of s136 and the need for a clearer, more consistent, pathway across London. To help address these issues, Healthy London Partnership has worked with stakeholders and partners across the crisis care system to develop a s136 pathway and Health Based Place of Safety specification for London.

We are now in the position to engage more widely on these pieces of work and we would like your help to ensure they adequately address the right issues currently in the system.

The documents below have been compiled to enable you to more easily input into this work. Each highlights a key area where further feedback is required from relevant stakeholder groups. These areas are:

  1. S136 Intoxication Pathway
  2. Responsibilities for transferring patients detained under s136
  3. Staff responsibilities for individuals under criminal arrest in Emergency Departments
  4. Physical healthcare competencies required by staff working in HBPoS sites

Key questions have been identified regarding each of these areas to help you provide feedback. Please add your comments to the boxes provided and send the documents to with the subject heading:


In your email please provide the following details:

  • Name
  • Job Role
  • Organisation
  • Location of workplace

If you have any further queries regarding this work or would like to request full length versions of the draft documents please get in touch via the same email address. We welcome further feedback on any aspect of their contents in addition to the areas specifically identified above.

Thank you for taking the time to review this work. We really appreciate your help in ensuring that it effectively addresses the current issues surrounding London’s s136 pathway and health based places of safety.